"Hardened My Heart"...Moonpi (Debut)
"Edceptional"...Scott Miller
"Merry Christmas from the Family"...Robert Earl Keen
"Valley Road"...James McMurtry
"Alabama"...Neil Young
"Valley Road"...James McMurtry
"Alabama"...Neil Young
"Willin'"...Little Feet -w/ Vernon /Dawg /Steven
"The Weight"...The Band-w/ Vernon /Dawg /Steven
"Needle/Damage"...Neil Young-w/ Vernon
"In Plain Sight"...Moonpi
"Hello in There"...John Prine -Charli - w/ Moonpi
"Hello in There"...John Prine -Charli - w/ Moonpi
Performers: Charli Gentry / Kenny Ray Shayne Band
Deputy Dawg / Michael Wilson / Kirk and Debbie / Vic Trip
Brian Zimmerman / Steven Schultz / Vernon / Moonpi
Support: Jeremy (Stand-by)-Greg (Sound/Vid)-Marguerite(Photos/Vid)...View the complete Photo Gallery...