Hosted By...Moonpi Photos by
Blue Lee-Martin
- Shun Dee
- Dave Dooley
- Josh Drane
- John Parks
- Chuc
- Charli Gentry
- Blue Lee-Martin
- Moonpi
Charli Gentry and Blue at Noble Savage
Airheart Plays The Hayride (Again)
1.....Moonpi and Dooley... "In Plain Sight"... "Steaming Heart"... "Orphan Girl"...Gillian Welch "Poor Little Me"... "Ring Of Fire"...Johnny Cash "The Mountain"...Steve Earl "Turned Away"... "GoodMorningMidnight"...Scott Miller "Roseville"... "In the Blink of an Eye"... "I Shall be Released"...Bob Dylan 2.....Moonpi Solo... "Cajun Tex Jingle" "Wild World"...Cat Stevens "Amtrack Crescent"...Scott Miller "Dirty Work"...Steely Dan "Old Man"...Neil Young "Miss Ohio"...Gillian Welch | 3.....Moonpi and Dooley... "Idalee"... "Stop This Train"... "Merry Christmas"...Robert E.Keen "Shotgun Wedding" "Kick Me Around"...Scott Miller "One and Only"...Gillian Welch "You Know the Rest"...Steve Earl "The Mountain"...(Encore) "Jodi Lynn Blues"...(Improv) "Rock Sand Water and Pine"... 4.....Moonpi Solo... "CidervilleSatNight..Scott Miller "Flag Decal"...John Prine "Third Rate Romance"...AmzRAces "Shakey Town"...Jackson Browne "Mrs. Robinson"...Paul Simon 5.....Moonpi and Dooley... "Wild Horses"...Roling Stones "Lover's Prayer"...Gillian Welch "Hardened My Heart"... |