Moonpi Setlists...
at Lee's...
"Motion Pictures"...Neil Young
"Hello in There"...John Prine
"Mona Lisa Cried"...Moonpi "Mrs. Robinson"...Paul Simon "Yesterday"...Beatles...Video... "Bartender Blues"...George Jones "Old Man"...Neil Young "The Boxer"...Paul Simon "Lover's Prayer"...Gillian Welch
"Heart of Gold"...Neil Young
"Hide Y/Love Away"...Beatles
"NeedleDamagDone"...Neil Young
"Blackbird"...Paul McCartney
"Ring of Fire"...Johnny Cash w/Rebeca
"Times are Changing"...Bob Dylan w/Rebeca
"The Losing End"...Neil Young w/Rebaca
"Loving That Girl"...Scott Miller w/Rebeca
"Hell Yes"...Moonpi
"Ciderville Sat.Night"...Scott Miller w/Ray
"One and Only"...Gillian Welch w/Ray
"Wild World"...Cat Stevens w/Ray & Vic
"Hold Me"...Scott Millier w/Ray
"Oldest Baby in the World"...John Prine
"This Love is Real"...John Prine
"Hardened My Heart"...Moonpi