October 31, 2011

Saturday - Lee's AND ZombieBox 2011

  at  Lee's - Guest of Vic Trip and Maria Williamson

Moonpi Setlist...

"Ring of Fire"...Johnny Cash
"SpeedSoundLoneliness"...John Prine
"Amtrack Crescent"...Scott Miller
"The Boxer"...Paul Simon
"You know the Rest"...Steve Earl w/Maria
"The Weight"...Levon Helm w/Maria / Vic
           ZOMBIEBOX 2011 - LICKERBOX at Mojo's

October 30, 2011

Crow's Nest Halloween Jam 2011

Tom E. and Jeremy - Birthday Bash!!

Moonpi Setlist...   w/SoyBean on the Lap Drum

"Illegal Smile"...John Prine w/Charli/Paula/Dawg
"SpeedSoundLoneliness"..John Prine w/Charli/Paula
...Watch the VIDEO...
"Hello in There"...John Prine w/Charli/Paula
"Angel from Montgomery"...John Prine w/Paula
...Watch theVIDEO...
"You Know the Rest"...Steve Earl

...Bill Ayers' Gallery...

 ..Barbara Beaird's Gallery....2..

October 29, 2011

The Naked Bean -Last Night on Line Ave. 10/27/11

Moonpi Setlist...
"Poor Little Me"...Moonpi
"Ida Lee Brown"...Moonpi
"Son of the Moon"...Moonpi
"Hardened My Heart"...Moonpi

October 27, 2011

Fri - Sat -Tues -Wed - Oct. 21st - 26th

Crow's Nest...Fri -Mike / Dawg's Open mic

"Flag Decal/Heaven"...John Prine

"Merry Xmas/Family"...R.E. Keen...VIDEO...

"11 Long/Stem Roses"...Moonpi

"Times are/Changin"...Bob Dylan

"Cosmic Lullaby"...Moonpi....VIDEO...
Lee's...Sat  w/Joe  - Vic Trip

"The Rain"...Scott Miller...VIDEO...

"Angel f/Montgomery"...John Prine

"Red Clay Halo"...Gillian Welch

"DrunkPoetsDream"...Hayes Carll

"Wild Horses"...Rolling Stones

Lee's...Tues... - Maria Williamson

"SpeedSoundLoneliness"...John Prine

"Lay Lady Lay"...Bob Dylan...VIDEO...

"Shakey Town"...JacksonBrowne

"Hardened My Heart"...Moonpi...VIDEO...

"Miss Ohio"...Gillian Welch

"Lets Stay Together"...Al Green

"Alabama"...Neil Young

"Heart of Gold"...Neil Young

"NeedleDamageDone"...Neil Young

Estrella...Wed  -Vic's Open Mic

"Miss Ohio"...Gillian Welch...VIDEO...

"Annabelle"...Gillian Welch

"One and Only"...Gillian Welch...VIDEO...

"Orphan Girl"...Gillian Welch

"SpeedSoundLoneliness"...John Prine

"Mrs. Robinson"...Paul Simon w/Vic

"Red Clay Halo"...Gillian Welch

"Hide your Love Away"...Beatles

Mojo's...Wed - Tom E.Gun Open Mic

"SpeedSoundLoneliness"...John Prine

"Dirty Work"...Steely Dan

...Barbara's Friday Gallery...1 Part 2

...Bill's Friday Gallery...

...Bill's Tuesday Gallery...

...Bill's Wednesday Gallery...

October 21, 2011

The Naked Bean - w/ Charli Gentry 10/20/11

  The Players...

Charli / Amelia / Paula / Dawg / Pamela / Vic / Johnny
Everett / Tommy Ike / Joshua / Kyle / Moonpi

  Produced by: Greg Gentry

Moonpi Setlist.

"Angel from Montgomery"...John Prine w/Pam
                         w/ Paula on Flute ...VIDEO...
"Ring of Fire"...Johnny Cash
"Annabelle"...Gillian Welch

October 20, 2011

LEE'S - and - Estrella 10/18-19

  Moonpi Setlists... 

at Lee's...
"Motion Pictures"...Neil Young
"Hello in There"...John Prine
"Mona Lisa Cried"...Moonpi
"Mrs. Robinson"...Paul Simon
"Bartender Blues"...George Jones        
"Old Man"...Neil Young
"The Boxer"...Paul Simon
"Lover's Prayer"...Gillian Welch
"Heart of Gold"...Neil Young
"Hide Y/Love Away"...Beatles
"NeedleDamagDone"...Neil Young
"Blackbird"...Paul McCartney

"Ring of Fire"...Johnny Cash w/Rebeca
"Times are Changing"...Bob Dylan w/Rebeca
"The Losing End"...Neil Young w/Rebaca
"Loving That Girl"...Scott Miller  w/Rebeca
"Hell Yes"...Moonpi
"Ciderville Sat.Night"...Scott Miller w/Ray
"One and Only"...Gillian Welch w/Ray
"Wild World"...Cat Stevens w/Ray & Vic
"Hold Me"...Scott Millier  w/Ray
"Oldest Baby in the World"...John Prine
"This Love is Real"...John Prine
"Hardened My Heart"...Moonpi

Louisiana Hayride - Tribute To Hank Williams 10/16/11



October 15, 2011

Estrella's - AND - The Crow's Nest - 10/14/11

...View Bill Ayers' Gallery...

      ...Moonpi Setlists... 


"Miss Ohio"...Gillian Welch
"Red Clay Halo"...Gillian Welch
"Amtrack Crescent"...Scott Miller
"Don't Think Twice"...Bob Dylan

...The Crow's Nest...

"Illegal Smile"...John Prine...w/Charli
"Can y/hearme Tonight"...Scott Miller..VIDEO...
"Willing to Love Again"...Hayes Carll
"I Got a Gig"...Hayes Carll...w/P/B/D ..VIDEO..
"Moonpies and Fireflies"...Moonpi  ..VIDEO..
"In My Life"...Beatles..w/Paula. ...VIDEO..
"Blackbird"...Paul McCartney
"Heart of Gold"...Neil Young..w/Vernon
"Old Man"...Neil Young..w/Vernon
"Needle/Dage/Done"...Neil Young..w/Vernon

October 13, 2011

10/11/11 - Estrella's - AND - Mojo's

...New   lostsol VIDEO!! - View now...

           ...Moonpi Setlists..

...Estrella's..   all.w/ Joe on Lead...
"I'llgotomyGraveLovingU"...Statler Bros.
"Mrs. Robinson"...Paul Simon
"The Boxer"...Paul Simon
"Unlonely"...John Prine
"Drunken Poets Dream"...Hayes Carll
"Frank's Song"...Tom Waits
"3rd Rate Romance"...AmazRythAces
"Wish You were Here"...Pink Floyd
"I Don't Want to be Loved"...Moonpi
"Lonely People"...Americ

"Tangled up in Blues"...Bob Dylan
"Alabama"...Neil Young
"Edceptional"...Curtis Jenkins
"Ol' 55"...Tom Waits...View Video...
"Blackbird"..Paul McCrtny...w/TomE.

...View The Whole Gallery...

...View Bill Ayers' Gallery...

October 9, 2011

Michael & Dawg's Open Mic - Crow's Nest 10/7/11

The Line-Up!!
- Dave Dawson - Michael Wilson - Tracy Chappell - Pat Gladney - Joe Ramer - Vic Trip -
- Camille Gladney - Michael Reed Mclendon - Michael DeArmond - Tom E Gunn - Bill Gaston -

 - Kirk Copeland - Charli Gentry - Darkness - Moonpi -

California Dreamin'

...Moonpi Setlist...
"Motion Pictures"...Neil Young w/ Joe
"KnockinHvDoor"...Bob Dylan w/Joe/Dave
"Imagine"...John Lennon w/Joe
"Lover's Prayer"...Gillian Welch w/Joe

October 7, 2011

Open Mic - Estrella's and Mojo's 10/5/11

  ...View the Full Gallery...

  Moonpi Setlists...

at Estrellas...
"Motion Pictures"...Neil Young
"Son of the Moon"...Moonpi
"Kick me Around"...Scott Miller
"Ciderville Sat. Night"...Scott Miller
"Her Eyes Dart Round"...Felice Bros.
"The Mountain"...Steve Earl
"Homeless Man"...Michael Kelsh
"Needle-Damage"...Neil Young
"BlueonBlack"...KW Shep. w/Ray-Vernon

at MoJos...
"House-Rising Sun"...Animals w/Dawg
"Knockin-HvnsDoor"...Bob Dylan w/Dawg
"Wild Horses"...Stones
"Hell Yes"...Moonpi
"Rooster"...Alice in Chains w/Dawg
"Something"...George Harrison w/Tom E.
"Wild World"...Cat Stevens w/Tom E.
"Hideyour Love Away"...Beatles w/Tom E.

October 2, 2011

A Good Night To Be In Shreveport! 10/1/11

  Maria Williamson  at LEE'S

 Joey V and The Vindicators  - at NOBLE SAVAGE

...View Barbara's Full Gallery...


October 1, 2011

Michael & Dawg - Crow's Nest 9/30/11

What a Night!  The Players: 

Michael - Dawg - Vic - Pat - Camille - Kirk - Debbie - Cheri - Charli - Paula - Tom E. - Bill - Ben - Jeremy - Jason - Rich - Chris - Blue - Moonpi

Moonpi Setlist...
"Drunken Poet's Dream"...Hayes Carll
"May the Lord watch for Thee"...Scott Miller
"Orphan Girl"...Gillian Welch w/ Paula
"One Red Rose"...John Prine
"Bobby Mcgee"...Kris K. w/Cheri
"The Weight"...Levon Helm w/Cheri-Kirk-Dawg